Sunday, December 13, 2020

My New Year's Resolution

My only "resolution" for the new year is to read less. Yes, I said less.

This year I set out to read 200 books. I'll end up somewhere between 185-190, I think. While I would have loved to hit 200, my goal for 2021 (that's still happening, right? We aren't going to remain in some sort of 2020-Hell time loop, right? RIGHT???!?) is to read less not more.

By read less I mean more meaningfully. I always want to engage more with what I read, but it's typically easier to just jump into the next thing. I usually have an audiobook or two (not simultaneously, before you ask) going alongside an ebook and a physical book that I'm picking at when I get a chance. 

My 2021 TBR is already at about 50 or so, and I'm working at not letting it balloon much more than that. I will be sharing more about what's actually on said TBR, but for now here's to doing better with less! *presses play on audiobook*


 Isn't it better if it's all a fluke? I find myself asking this question regularly. I'm fairly confident in where I'm at wit...